

Work.  My work is a stay at home mum...I still find it weird when I choose that option in forms. I love my new job; we try to keep it as varied as possible and most days are brilliant.  But there are other days I definitely miss getting to leave the house for work and the interaction with people who want to discuss things other than children!

So, I did some research and came across a company called The Hoxby Collective.   A group of people that believe that individuals should be free to work in a way that suits them. Everyone has their own workstyle and The Hoxby Collective encourages everyone to embrace that.  I have realised I work better with background noise in the middle of the day and later on in the evening...or mainly when baby naps!  I applied for Hoxby and was delighted when I was accepted into the fold.  I love still being able to do my digital thing and do it for an organisation I believe in.  If you think this sounds like something you might be interested in either instead of or on top of a current role please do check out the website and get in touch.

At the moment I am also a bit obsessed by sewing.  I have always loved the idea of making my own clothes but never got round to it.  Then I had Ismay and I looked at her little clothes and realised I could totes make them!  They are tiny, surely it's easy?!  So, its not easy but it is great fun.  I tend to be cutting out patterns or sewing most nights.  I make a heck of a lot of mistakes but I learn from them and the next time I make something it is a little bit better.  One day I would really love to make and sell things under the name "Wee Wears" but I think I need some lessons as so far I have just been teaching myself as I go along!  Watch this space...

 Here is Ismay in some of her new mama made clothes:)

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